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Development of Titanium Alloy Exhaust Muffler Accessories for Vehicles in Japan
TIME:2022-07-06 SHOWsecond : 1892

Recently, according to the Japanese Economic News, the New Japan Iron and Steel Company and Kobe Steel Institute have developed titanium alloys for automobiles, and have begun to carry out related business.             
Nippon Steel aims to use titanium alloys in exhaust mufflers and engine valves. Kobe Steel Company has succeeded in mass production of titanium alloy wire rods, and will begin to provide samples to automobile manufacturers in the near future.            
 In addition, Nippon Steel Corporation and Kobe Steel Institute are jointly developing low-cost manufacturing technology for titanium alloys. If this technology can be applied in the field of automobile, which is in great demand for materials, the mass production effect will promote the price of titanium alloy to drop continuously, thus speeding up the popularization of titanium alloy.            
Titanium is characterized by light weight and high strength, but it is difficult to process parts. Titanium is currently only used in aircraft engines and other fields. 



  • Contact:Ronald Gu
  • Mobile:13861775715
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  • Q Q:14568992
  • E-mail:grr@honghu-muffler.com

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